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Acne scarring

How our skin specialists can help treat your acne scars:

At the Complete Skin Specialists, we have extensive experience and multiple treatment options available for acne scarring. Acne scars are one of the most distressing skin conditions due to the profound effect they can have on appearance and self-confidence. Unfortunately, many sufferers are either unaware that numerous options are available to them, or worse, they have been promised miracle treatments in the past that have failed to deliver. Unfortunately, acne scarring can be very difficult and often requires multiple treatment modalities to achieve the desired outcome, but significant improvement is possible in almost all cases. Combination treatments usually offer a better result.

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are caused by damage to the dermis (collagen layer) or subcutis (fat layer under the skin). In many cases, the damage is caused by the inflammation (redness and swelling) surrounding a pimple or cyst. Excessive skin trauma (picking and squeezing) increases the risk of scarring.

Why do acne scars form?

A common misconception is that acne must be severe or picked to cause scarring but this is not the case. Even mild comedonal (blackheads) acne can result in scarring the the right person. It is important to look carefully for signs of early scarring (small dips in the skin), as proactive treatment may avoid any permanent damage. Colour change alone (brown/red colour) is known as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and will usually resolve with time. Scarring may look worse with age as the natural thickness of the collagen and fat layer decreases, exacerbating the scars.

Scars can vary greatly in size and shape depending on the person, their type of acne and the severity. Different types of acne scars will respond the different treatments.

What are the common types of acne scars?

  • Ice-pick scars: these are deep, narrow, pitted scars
  • Rolling scars: broad depressions with sloping edge
  • Boxcar scars: broad depressions with sharply defined edges
  • Atrophic scars: flat, thin scars or depressed scars
  • Hypertrophic or keloid scars: thick lumpy scars

What can be done for acne scars? Can acne scars resolve themselves?

The most important thing to do if scarring is noticed is to ensure that the active acne problem is treated quickly and effectively. Prevention of further scars is of utmost importance. After the scene has been cleared, time alone will often see a dramatic improvement in the scars. Post-inflammatory pigmentation will usually fully resolve but may take 6-12 months once the inflammation has cleared. Depressed scars will also flatten during this time while collagen regenerates.

For persistent acne scars, there are multiple treatment options. Our team are very experienced in the treatment of acne scarring. You can book a consultation with one of our cosmetic therapists to discuss all options and devise a personalised treatment plan. The best option for you will depend on numerous factors including age, skin type, type of scarring, budget, downtime, and also personal preference.

Most people require a series of treatments and will see gradual improvement over time until we reach the desired endpoint.

What treatments are available for acne scars?

At the Complete Skin Specialists we use the following treatments for acne scars:

  • Radiofrequency microneedling (for collagen remodelling)
  • Fractional ablative CO2 laser (skin resurfacing)
  • Dermal fillers – volume replacement and lifting of scars
  • Muscle relaxant injections (soften the muscle pull accentuating the scars)
  • Surgical excision/punch excision
  • Punch elevation – used to raise the base of depressed scars
  • Subcision – elevation of tethered scars
  • Intralesional steroid injections to soften and flatten raised and thickened scars

What is the process to start treatment for my acne scars?

You can book a consultation with one of our highly qualified nurses or skin therapists who can help assess your treatment needs and discuss all options with you.

If you require medical or surgical treatments under the care of one of our dermatologists, you will require a referral from your GP, but our clinic staff will assist in directing your treatment plan and the steps required.

Treatment Options


Depending on individual circumstances, treatment options may include:

  • Surgical Exision
  • Intralesinal Steriods
  • Punch Elevation
  • Subcision


Learn more about our dermatology clinic

Treatment Options

Cosmetic & Laser

Depending on individual circumstances, treatment options may include:

  • Radiofrequency Microneedling
  • Fractional CO2 Resurfacing
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Muscle Relaxant Injections

Learn more about our cosmetic and laser clinic