About Us

Complete Skin Specialists is a service entity that provides support services to our consultant physicians, and together we strive to improve the health of your skin and restore your confidence. Consultant physicians are not employees of Complete Skin Specialists, and they maintain their independence regarding the days and times they choose to work with us as well as their patient lists, clinical treatments, and patient fees.

Consultant Physicians

Nurses & Clinical Support

angela clinic nurse
Angela Nursing Team Leader | Registered Nurse
alicia receptionist at complete skin
Alicia Enrolled Nurse
chelsea clinic nurse
Chelsea Registered Nurse
Maria Enrolled Nurse
Hayley Registered Nurse
Aylsha Registered Nurse

Medical Clinic

Jordan Medical Practice Team Leader
Tamieka Lead Medical Receptionist
Melissa Medical Receptionist (on maternity leave)
Karen S Medical Receptionist
Leann Medical Receptionist
Anne Medical Receptionist
Daniella Medical Receptionist
Ravneet Medical Receptionist

Cosmetic Clinic

Caitlin Cosmetic Practice Team Leader
Allison Lead Cosmetic Receptionist
Karen M Cosmetic Receptionist
Courtney Assistant to Dr Belinda Welsh
Emma Cosmetic Receptionist


  • allergan medical institute
  • St Vincent's Hospital

Our specialties


The dermatologists available at our clinic are highly trained and experienced, and can help to prevent, diagnose and treat a wide range of skin, nail and hair conditions and diseases.

Learn more about our Dermatology clinic

Our specialties

Cosmetic & Laser

We pride ourselves on providing effective and reliable cosmetic & laser treatment options to help you enhance the natural elements of your individual profile.

Learn more about our Cosmetic and Laser clinic