Our skin specialists can help you achieve your desired look

Our experienced injectors offer a revolutionary surgery-free procedure to reduce the fat pocket resulting in a double chin and tighten the skin of the jawline and neck.
The procedure entails a series of injections directly into the submental fat (double chin). Usually a series of 2-4 treatments are required to achieve the desired result, but all improvement is permanent. The procedure can be performed on its own, or as part of a full face rejuvenation treatment to restore a more youthful appearance and face shape.
What is a double chin reduction?
Deoxycholic acid is a non-surgical injectable treatment for reduction of fullness under the chin, known as submental fullness or double chin. It has now been used in clinical trials for over 10 years and been shown to be reliable and effective.
Before starting treatment, we will examine the area under and around the chin to determine if this treatment is right for you. The treatment is tailored to the amount of fat you have under the chin and your aesthetic goals. Clients with extreme amounts of fat or very lax skin, and those who have had previous surgery in the area may not be suitable for this treatment.
How does it work?
When injected into the fat beneath the chin, this treatment works to break down fat cells. This causes some inflammation in the area as the body’s immune system clears out the broken-down cells. Fibroblasts (collagen producing cells) then come in to ‘heal’ the area resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin and secondary tightening of the skin. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.
What is it made of?
The active ingredient is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid occurs naturally in the body to aid the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
How many treatments are needed, and what does it cost?
The amount of product and the number of treatments required varies and depends on the amount of fat, the individual’s anatomy and the desired aesthetic outcome. Most patients require between 2 and 4 treatments and will need 2-3 vials each time. A treatment plan will be devised during your consultation.
We advise to space treatments approximately 6-8 weeks apart. Results may not be seen until after the second treatment.
The cost is $1,500-$2,000 per treatment, depending on the individual treatment plan. You will be provided with a full quote during your consultation.
What are the risks and side effects?
Some side effects are expected following treatment.
The treatment is administered via a series of small injections. The number will vary depending on the individual treatment area. Ice is used to reduce sensitivity.
- Significant swelling (approximately doubling of the original size) tends to occur during the first 48 hours after treatment. This is part of the action of the treatment but tends to reduce with subsequent treatments. Some bruising may also occur
- Pain is another common side effect. An internal burning or stinging sensation is commonly experienced within minutes of the treatment. This tends to ease off within 1 hour. Ice or paracetamol can be used if ease discomfort if needed. The area can remain tender for a number of days
- Skin numbness usually occurs over the injection site and, on average takes 6-8 weeks to resolve
- Firmness or lumpiness in the area occurs in some people as the skin tightens (usually between 4 and 6 weeks after treatment)
- Serious side effects have been reported during clinical trials. Temporary nerve injury which can cause an uneven smile occurred in 4% of patients, resolving on average in 44 days. Trouble swallowing occurred in 2% of patients resolving on its own in a median of 3 days
- Refinement of the injecting technique since the clinical trial seems to have decreased the chance of these complications