Redness and sun damage

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How we can help you improve redness and sun damage.
We have a team of experienced dermal therapists and cosmetic nurses who can help you improve the following skin concerns:
- Facial redness
- Persistent flushing
- Broken capillaries
- Pigmentation and sun damage
- Post-inflammatory erythema (PIE) – commonly associated with acne and skin trauma
- Pink/red scarring.
Cosmetic treatment options include:
– Laser
– Correct skincare
Vascular laser (VBEAM):
A yellow-light laser that is designed to treat redness. A pulse of the laser delivers a burst of energy, this energy is attracted to, and absorbed by redness within the different layers of skin. Depending on the skin concern, you are prescribed a set number of treatments, which are typically performed 6-8 weeks apart.
This device is the gold-standard for treating mild to severe redness. As dermatologists, we’ve had experience with various types of lasers and other treatment devices, and in our years of practice, the VBEAM device delivers the best, long-term results – we have used this technology in our practice since 2007.
Pigment laser – IPL, FRAX or Light & Bright:
A sophisticated multi-light laser designed to target sun damage. Depending on the skin concern, you are prescribed a set number of treatments, which are typically performed 8-10 weeks apart.
Like the VBEAM, this is a gold-standard treatment device that achieves a significant reduction in the appearance of sun damage, signs of ageing, as well as a noticeable improvement in skin clarity and texture.
Sun protection and correct skincare:
Daily use of SPF and using skincare that is targeted to your skin concerns is key to improving the overall health of your skin, and maintaining results from in-clinic treatments.
Cost of treatment:
The cost of treatment depends on the device used and condition/area treated, an accurate financial quote can only be provided following a consultation.
How to book:
Speak to your treating dermatologist about laser treatment and they will prepare an internal referral to our cosmetic clinic. From there, a member of our team will contact you. Alternatively, you can book directly by calling (03) 9740 2409 – select option 2, or emailing:
Before and after’s:
All images published with patient consent.
Image 1: X3 VBEAM treatments, consistent SPF and skincare.
Image 2: X3 VBEAM treatments and consistent SPF.
Image 3: X2 IPL treatments.